My mom, Ryan's parents, Ryan's brother and his wife and 2 girls and Ryan's sister and her husband and their 3 kids all came over for dinner. Then we hit the neighborhood to trick or treat.
Last year, Brennan had just turned a year old at Halloween. I bought him a bee costume and he could have cared less. He was not fully over whatever it was that ravaged him from 6 months to 18 months old. So, he stayed at home with Nene (my momma) while the rest of us trick or treated.
Not so this year!
Brennan is not 'normal'. I don't know what Brennan is but he's definitely not normal. He's speech delayed. He's tremendously OCD. He's hyper-smart. He's lovable and he's frustrating. Last Thursday I had a breakdown about Brennan's future. Last Friday, God sent me a mom to ease those fears and frustrations. Then last night, God presented me with a 'normal' Halloween.
Brennan loved Trick or Treating. He didn't say Trick or Treat (that would have been a miracle). But he said "Wow!" about a million times. He carried his own bucket. He walked up to the door to accept candy (although he wouldn't let people put the candy in his bucket. He took it and put it in himself. OCD, anyone?). He screamed at scary costumes. He didn't keep screaming. He was awesome. I cried.
My other boys were awesome too, of course. They ran around like crazy people. Then calmed down when we asked them to calm down. They helped their brother and cousins.
But, it was Brennan acting "normal" that made me cry. And even this morning, I'm tearing up. Thankful for a night of "normal". What a blessing!
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