We do not meet Esther in the first chapter of Esther. Instead we meet King Ahasuerus and Queen Vashti. The King has had a party and is drunk. He calls for Queen Vashti to come before him and the other men. He does not want her to come chat with them. He wants her to wear her crown and show off her beauty. And probably do some lewd things but we don't really know that. Queen Vashti refuses (go girl!). The King's advisors keep him riled up about it. They tell the King that if people find out what Vashti did all the women will disrespect their husbands. They urge the King to make a royal order that there is now a law that can not be repealed that Queen Vashti be banished. The order went to every part of the kingdom and included that "every man be the master in his own household and speak according to the language of his people." The language of the woman would not even be spoken.
So, right off the bat, I'm riled up. These advisors are not leading the King well and he's being carried along with them. I'm proud that Queen Vashti was able to stand up for herself. I would love to know what happens to her. I'd like to think she leaves the area and is happy elsewhere but that doesn't seem to really happen in the Old Testament.
This week, we'll meet Esther and get to know her. I can't wait! Join me on Instagram & Facebook stories, Instagram Reels and YouTube each morning!
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