Friday, March 5, 2010

Biz2Bloggers = greatness

A few weeks ago, I signed up for a new service called Business 2 Blogger.  The idea is this: you get emails for B2B with 'campaigns'.  Campaign is marketing speak for something a marketer needs done.  So and so needs you to use their product then blog about it.  So and so will give you this, this and this.  You will do this, this and this.  You get it, right?

Personally, I did not expect a lot out of B2B.  Let me say that another way...I did not expect to get a lot of reviewing gigs from B2B.  I'm a new and small blog. I've never done product reviews.   I'm kinda all over the map.  Some days I'm about my journey to become a published author.  Some days I'm about becoming a runner.  All days I'm about being outnumbered by all the boys in my life.

I have enjoyed seeing the emails and applying for the campaigns.  It's neat to see what people are trying to sell and services they are hoping to provide.  (and yes, I know how geeky the word neat is but I love it.  get over it.)  I've applied for several campaigns.  Many times, I get the message "this campaign is full".  Earlier this week I received an email asking if I'd like to review a book.  I do have a book review blog but the proposed book didn't match so I politely declined.

I'm sad that some people are bagging on B2B.  They creators/owners are getting emails complaining about everything from the time the emails are delivered to not been chosen for a campaign.  People are blogging to renounce B2B.  I feel for them.  I really do.  Two years ago I was on a team that launched an internet based multi-level marketing company.  We worked hard to make sure we had all our ducks in a row.  We felt like we had a great product.  But every time we put it out there, people had issues.  Some issues were constructive criticism.  Some were just flat out bitching.

So, keep up the good work Holly, Jay and Shauna.  It's hard to start a business that depends so greatly on others.  And just remember, you can't make everyone happy all of the time.  Just yourself.  Keep up the good work.


Mariah said...

WOOHOO!!!!! Love this post and LOVE Holly, Shauna, and Jay! They are the best and everyone needs to get over it. I'm a follower now! See ya around lady:)

Halftime Lessons said...

Cant thank you enough for this, Aimee...just Tweeted it, Facebooked it, and watch your email...


Xenia said...

On the one hand, I like reading Jay's funny emails about the weird things people complain to him about. On the other hand, I completely agree with you. They're trying really hard to make this work but there never is going to be a way to please everyone, so let's just be a little nicer about it, right?

Great post!

Amber Page Writes said...

I agree with you totally, and I don't understand why people are getting so upset. I mean, come on, it's FREE! And they're all busy people to begin with.

I think you're going to see some big traffic today!

Unknown said...

Yes! Good words. B2B is trying to do something good for the community and with any new venture, there will be kinks. It would be one thing if they thumbed their noses and said they care to listen to the MOB, but instead they are trying to make B2B work as smoothly and productively as possible.
So negative nellies, go elsewhere. We will give B2B some breathing room and they will be back even better than ever.

Screwed Up Texan said...

Thank you for writing this! Holly, Shauna and What's His Name...have been doing a GREAT job in trying to accomodate everyone! I cant believe there are pople out there bitching and moaning about it. It is a FREE service. I have only been able to sign up for one campaign, and I love the review I'll be doing next week. Keep up the great work
Business 2 Blogger

Anne - Mommy Has to Work said...

I agree!! I've been wanting to write a post about them myself - ( I still will ) (I hope) anyway I love the emails and thank all of them for what they do. new follower to you. I too was once surrounded by boys, now I have my little girl.

Unknown said...

Aimee - Love this post! I applaud Holly, Shauna, and Jay for what they are doing. You can never make everyone happy - especially on the web which has a huge element of anonymity. But they are trying. And I, for one, appreciate that!

southerninspiration said...

I wholeheartedly agree.......good for you for putting this out someone said, it's FREE.....don't get wrapped around the axle over it!


Texasholly said...

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I could just hug ya right now. We really appreciate this and try to keep in perspective the % of people who are upset. It is a very small percent which is good, but it is hard for me not to take it personally...need to work on that issue! ha. Anyway, really, really appreciate this.

Anonymous said...

Hear, hear! Well said, Aimee. I think B2B is doing a fabulous job.

Unknown said...

Aimee ~ as an outnumbered Mom myself {3 boys ~ 2 I birthed & 1 I married} I have to applaud you for taking the courage we need for our daily lives & channeling it into such a powerfully positive post!

As soon as I'm done agreeing with all these supportive people {& subsequent love-fest} I'm emailing the crew at B2B to offer them my professional support! {then I'm subscribing to your blog! You are definitely one to read!}

Keep the upbeat comments coming people!

Unknown said...

I agree, you can never please everyone, but I love this B2B site and think it's an awesome idea to bring businesses together with bloggers. As a business owner who advertised for bloggers, I was extremely pleased with the results and will be back again and again!

Onward and Upward to bigger and better things Holly, Shauna and Jay!

Anonymous said...

They are doing a great job and they listen to us which is rewarding and important.

Momnerd said...

Great post! I also really don't get why people would complain about anything! It is FREE, and they are doing all the work! Your blog is adorable! And I'm outnumbered by boys too! I've got four!

Michelle said...

COME ON. What is there to complain about? I just dont get it. They are offering us a service. SO WHAT if you dont make it in's not like we had the gig before anyway.

Nice post.

Unknown said...

Amen! Thanks to Jay, Holly and Shauna for all the time they're putting in to give us all a FREE service that helps connect us with companies. Without them, most of us wouldn't know where to start.

Maria McGill said...

Well said! I love B2B and I only joined maybe a few weeks ago. What a great idea and a help to us bloggers out there.

Crazed Mama said...

Your right they are great and so willing to help us out! Great post! I am a new follower now :-)

*Mom's Best Bets said...

It just goes to show that there are a lot of bloggers out their who want opportunites...patience is a virtue. I am impressed that
B2B is new and is getting a lot of what seems to be quality review opps.
Nice post BTW!

Melissa Haak said...

This is a great post and I totally agree!I've seen some of the complaints and thought to myself "if you don't like it, don't use it" No one is forcing you to join B2B!

thanks for sticking up for them!

Krissy said...

I absolutely love Business2Blogger and it's a damn shame that people are putting it down. I have gotten to try some great products from their service and I wouldn't change that for the world! I absolutely love that they tell us when we're going to be getting our e-mails and am excited to see the changes when they restart again. :)


delruiz said...

It looks like some people are taking this out of hand. Kristin at had been trying to contact B2B. After several emails and them telling her to basically get lost, she made a post on it. And since people read her blog, others felt similar or had an opinion. Now there is are bloggers trying to bash her for saying what she was trying to tell them all along. Come on.

Many who have said anything have had 0 to very little success with the B2B system. If B2B wants to work with those bloggers, they may want to listen, and maybe realize that they did not design a perfect system. Don’t blame bloggers for saying their problems. There are many communities out there, and maybe bloggers need to learn to respect that. The internet is a big place.


Delthedad dot com

delruiz said...

Many of the bloggers who voiced their opinion are successful bloggers in their own regards. Kristin helped B2B when they came about (which I am sure they may say otherwise now) and they blew her off. She is not mad or any other of the things people are trying to make her out to be.

I have seen the B2B opps and know what else is out there. They are not the ultimate. I am sure many want to work with them, but the insults need to end. There are no mobs and sides. Not good for anyone.

I could care less about any of this, but as soon as people start bashing the character of others especially my loved one, I will say my part. That is where I draw the line. So hopefully people will start show a little more respect for others opinion and make sure you know the whole story/situation before you start off with lies and false statements about something/someone you do not know.
This stuff gets around and sticks. Not a good way to try and promote anything, especially yourself.


delruiz said...

This is in response to the author.

Some of the people "bagging" on B2B are not "bagging" but telling them why this service may only be good for some people.

You can contact companies and PR yourself to get things to review. A service like B2B is not the only way people can work with companies. I would prefer to work with companies and brands than to work through a middle man (which review networks do work, don’t get me wrong.) But for those who cannot understand that, then a service like this may be helpful. I do understand that if you have to rely people like B2B, then others out there were saying that you may be finding yourself not getting too much. That was more of the point. It’s good to have control over your dealing then to have to rely on others. What happens when people buddy up or maybe some give more than they get (which is unfair also.) Trust me it happens. Why be solicited; in a way, for contacts just to get nothing or better yet to be treated like your nothing. It’s too bad all this had to even go as far as it has.

Stockpiling Mom said...

Just stopping by from B2B. I am outnumbered too... 2/1 here...LOL!

Stop by and see me at

Melisa Wells said...

I'm here from B2B also. Great post! They're doing their best and the best is all anyone can do: people just need to be patient. :)

Unknown said...

Agreed, those of us with small blogs think it is a neat service and are thankful for what we can get!!

Surge said...

I agree! It's hard to see that and you're like "I missed all the offers" - but really it's a amazing privilege to have.

Texasholly said...

Thanks again for the post. I want to assure you that I have reached out to Del and apologized and hope to right any wrongs that may have happened.

Again, thanks!