Wednesday, November 15, 2017

A Bold Kid

Earlier this week, B and his classmates went on a field trip as part of their Thirdville study of communities.  As a part of their study, students are elected to Thirdville offices like Town Council, Mayor, School Board and Superintendent.  They go to Town Hall and have a Town Council meeting with some of their real life counter parts.    Then they go to our Administration building to have a School Board meeting in a similar fashion.  

I received pictures of B speaking during the public comments section of each meeting.  At Town Council he gave his opinion about what do to with some park land.  At the School Board meeting he asked how citizens would pay for the increased taxes due to the bond election.  

I'm so proud of B for speaking out but not really that surprised.  He's a bold kid.  He's a smart kid.  He's not shy.  He thinks everyone needs to know what he knows.  

However, one of the social cues he often misses is the fact that not everyone is interested in hearing him.  He loves to share what ever is on his mind.  Not everyone wants to know what's on his mind.  Most people will listen anyway.  Adults are usually impressed.  Kids range from interested to bored, depends on the topic.  Not many people are rude. 

I am so thankful he's so widely accepted and celebrated in our community.  

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