B has tried RIOT in the past and had some trouble but I knew he was up for it this year. We also had a couple other of our Valuable Special Needs ministry kiddos there so I was pumped! Each day consists of a high energy opening session, Bible study, Impact (missions), Rec/Snack sessions and a high energy closing session.
On Monday B put on his noise cancelling headphones and went into the opening session. He was good for a bit but became overwhelmed. He went to our Valuable room and hid in the tent. I convinced him to come out for the Impact session but that was short lived as well. I decided not to fight him. He stayed in the tent while I checked on the other kids.
Tuesday morning as soon as he got up he said, "I don't think I'm ready for RIOT". But I had a plan. How about if we skip the opening and closing sessions and just do the Impact, Bible Study and Rec/Snack sessions. He said he'd try.
He did awesome!! He participated in the Impact session and love it. He wasn't so sure about Rec but went outside anyway and made it all the way through! I was so proud of him!
Wednesday was super hero day at RIOT. I tried to get B to wear a Flash shirt but he wasn't having it. He was going as a super villain - Pumpkula (pumpkin + Dracula). A villain he made up himself, he even created a mask! He dressed himself in orange and green (pumpkin style) and off we went.
As soon as we walked in the door, he was looking for Ms. Laci, our children's minister. While he looked he talked to anyone who would listen about Pumpkula.
His super villain powers are shooting poisonous carrots.His nemesis is Apple Man who shoots apples from a gun or cannon.
Pumpkula has super salad powers.
B even let some kids try on the mask. Pumpkula was a big hit!
B wore his mask to Impact and participated with it on! He needed a break afterwards so we took a 10 minute break before Bible Study. He struggled with Rec when he couldn't catch a water balloon in a kitchen colander.
But on the whole, I'm super proud of B. He faced some challenges this week and did well. He was able to share his creation with others. And he learned a thing or two about Jesus. I'm a happy momma!
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