A few months ago, my sister in law Laura texted me to ask if I could help her and our friend Andrea with a website. They were starting an online boutique and would need some technical assistance. Of course, I'd help!
As I've helped, I've had the privilege of watching their dream take shape. They both have impeccable taste and it's reflected in every aspect of The Style Loft - the logo, the clothes and jewelry they've selected, their booth at Canton.
The clothes are so cute and extremely stylish. They carry Umgee and 12pm by Mon Ami, 2 brands that I love! They have shirts, pants, rompers, dresses and jeans available online. At Canton they'll also have shoes, jewelry, home decor and accessories.
The Style Loft is an online woman's clothing boutique. You can shop online at www.TSLboutique.com TSL will also be at First Monday Trade Days in Canton. At Canton TSL will be in Pavilion 3, Booths 33 & 34.
You can also follow them on social media:
Twitter: @TSLboutique
Instagram: @TSLboutique
Facebook: fb.me/TSLboutiqueTX
Pinterest: TSLboutiqueTX
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