Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Life Well Led

My boys with Grandpa Mays at his favorite place - Wendy's
What are the hallmarks of a life well led?




My Grandpa Mays certainly embodied all these things.  But to him, the hallmark of a life well led was the life led for Christ.

When I was a little girl, I loved spending time with Grandpa Mays and Grandmomma Joyce on the farm.  I would get up on Saturday morning and set up a stand at the edge of the road selling cantaloupes.  After I'd sold them all, I'd run back into the house and sit in the kitchen with Grandpa.  He'd help me count the money.  Without fail, he'd say "10% for Jesus, the rest is for you."

Grandpa never missed an opportunity to talk about his blessed savior.

After his stroke, my momma took B to see him.  Grandpa and B were good friends.  B tried to teach Grandpa to play Angry Birds that day.  But Grandpa was worried about something bigger, "Does B know Jesus?"  B must have been hyper focused on Angry Birds because he didn't answer Grandpa right away. Grandpa asked again.  B said "Yes! Jesus was the Son of God who died for our sins!" I can't imagine anything making Grandpa Mays any prouder.

That was his deepest desire for all of us.  That we would know and love Jesus the way he did.  Grandpa sought after Jesus.  He was enthralled by him.

Sunday afternoon after he had passed, we were waiting with him for the funeral home personnel.  I opened his Bible.  It was a sea of red underlining.  In true Grandpa style, it looked like he had used a ruler to underline.  He was precise!

But it wasn't the underlining that caught my attention.  It was his distinctive handwriting.  Peppered through out the scriptures are his notes.  Simple, wonderful notes.  "Thank you!" Over and over "Thank you!".   With an occasional "Wow!"  He never stopped being thankful for the the love Jesus had shown him.

That is his legacy.  His love of Jesus Christ.  His service to Jesus Christ.  His generosity to share that love with us.  Because of his obedience to share the Good News, an entire family has been impacted.  I have been impacted.  My boys have been impacted.

Because Grandpa loved Jesus, he could love us more fully.  He pointed us to the love of Jesus Christ. And now we have the opportunity to continue his work.  By sharing the Good News with those around us.  By falling in love with Jesus.

Right now, I am studying Acts.  Tuesday morning I studies Acts 5.  Jesus had been crucified and resurrected.  The apostles had been given the Holy Spirit to help them continue Jesus' work.  They were preaching and stirring anger in the hearts of the Jewish leaders.  They had been arrested, tried, flogged and released.  And yet, the pressed on.  The last verse of that chapter applies beautifully to Grandpa Mays.

I am so grateful that I was able to share these words at Grandpa Mays' funeral on 
Wednesday, June 1, 2016.

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