My November SMART goal for my blog writing is to brainstorm a list of 27 possible blog topics by next Wednesday.
This week I took the list and organized it. I wrote out all my posting dates and assigned a topic for each day. I know I probably wouldn't stick to this list. Things will come up that I'll want to blog about but now I have a plan. No more going to bed wondering what I'm going to write about the next day.
And everything is better on hot pink paper!!
My November SMART goal for my Bible Study is to have 2 of those books (books about disability and the church) read by the end of Thanksgiving break, November 27th.
My books arrived Tuesday! I love getting packages in the mail! This time when I ordered from Amazon I chose to have them delivered to a locker location because the shipping seemed quicker than to my house. The lockers were outside a gas station. They look like a bank of post office boxes. You scan the bar code Amazon emails you then the locker door pops open revealing your stuff!
The first book I started reading is a 40 day devotional for parents of autistic kids. When I read the back cover I was put off. The 'about the author' section mentioned all the author has done to put her child on the 'road to recovery from autism'. Y'all know this is not my stance. If B were cured of autism, he wouldn't be himself!
I almost chucked the book in the trash. But GOD really challenged me to read it. I can still learn from another believer even if we don't agree about autism. I decided to read it straight through instead of doing it as a 40 day Bible study.
I'm up to day 20 and so far, my heart just aches for the author. I can tell that she loves her son and is very committed to healing him. My heart aches because I want her to be able to find joy in the way GOD created her son. I am learning though.
One goal met on time. One goal about 1/4th finished and on track to be finished on time.
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