I'm not a mom who wants or needs her kids to be super popular. I've always wanted them to have one good friend. One person who got them and had their back. One person they'd stand up for as well. One person who picks them first and who they pick first. Someone who gets them.
My concern has been that B's behaviors would keep people from getting him.

He had a great time at the class party. Ryan went because I was teaching. Ryan said B introduced himself to his Valentine's mom in addition to working the crowd telling parents about his new pet sitting business (Lord, help me). A friend of mine sent me a picture of B and his Valentine. He's right, she is a cute little girl.
B's Valentine wrote him a letter. A letter that made me cry. A letter more valuable than any gift. In the letter she tells B why she likes him. "My favorit thing about you is that your sweet, kind and generoos. Your allways kind to people even if they're rude or unkind to you. Your creative and silly." (typed exactly from a letter from a 3rd grader)
This sweet letter gave me hope. Hope that he does have and will have one good friend. Hope that people will continue to see his positive, wonderful traits. Hope that B's behavior wouldn't keep people from knowing the real him. The him that I love. The him that so many of you love.
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