Thursday, March 15, 2018

Time with the Bigs

It's Spring Break, y'all.  It's been nice and sunny.  We haven't done much of anything.  Perfection.  I didn't have big plans but I did want to make sure I did get some time alone with the big boys.  

Sam had a baseball game Tuesday afternoon.  My momma took B-man home with her after the game.  The Bigs and I planned to go to see Black Panther then they wanted to set up their video games in the living room.  

As usual, things did not go as planned.  

I didn't pre-purchase tickets because I wasn't sure what time Sam's game would be over and I didn't think I needed to.  Wrong.  There were not three seats together.  We were starving so we decided to go eat at Cheddars and make a plan.  

After we downed some yummy Cheddar cheese fries, I wanted to take this selfie.  It took a while because I was trying to make sure Zac didn't look like he was glowing.  This prompted some "don't be that mom" comments.  I responded with more selfies.

Zac was cooperative. Sam not so much.  He tried to keep me from even getting into his side of the booth.  Of course, that made me try harder and act cheesier.  We stuffed ourselves and decided to just go home.  

We stopped at the grocery store for brownie mix and cookie dough on the way home, though.  

The boys did set up their video games in the living room.  Their favorite game right now is Fortnight.  Because the creators are evil geniuses, only one person can play per console.  They could not play together.  They did end up playing a WWII game together, against each other.  


What I really loved about spending time with my big boys, was listening to them.  I love listening to them talk to each other about football, video games and a ton of other ridiculous things.  I loved listening to them to talk to the random people on their video games.  I loved talking to them about goofy things.  I learned they are more like Ryan and I than I realized.  Given the opportunity, we'd much rather hang at home.  The boys too.  We're big fans of naps, the boys too.  We took a nap break between eating and video gaming.  

I worked really hard to stay present during my time with the Bigs.  Even when I wasn't in the conversation, I listened and watch them. I'm super aware that my time with them at home is fleeting.  But, I'm not going to think about that.  I'm going to think about our fun, goofy time together.  

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