Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Spring Slump

Lots and lots of people talk about having Spring Fever - the need to get outside and get active.  They've felt cooped up all winter and are anxious to get outdoors.  They want to fly kids, swing on swings, and do all kinds of people with three active kids don't get to do in this season of life. 

I get Spring Fever occasionally.  I'm not too outdoorsy so I don't generally get urges to go hiking or running or stuff like that.  But I like to open my sunroof when the weather gets nice.  And I like to read on the porch, until the Cottonwood of death trees start blooming. 

I'd say I get Spring Slump more than I get Spring Fever. 

Spring Slump is characterized by the overwhelming need for a nap.  In my case, it is brought on by a host of factors - all good, I might add.  Factors like work, track meets, baseball practices, baseball games, reading, writing, and all the other momma duties. 

Basically, Spring Slump is a reaction to scheduling. 

Here's a typical schedule that can lead to Spring Slump

Monday - track meet until 10:30 pm
Tuesday - baseball game at 6 pm
Wednesday - baseball practice
Thursday - baseball game again...
Friday - collapse at 5 pm
Saturday - 2 baseball tournament games
Sunday - church; then baseball tournament games until they lose

Symptoms of Spring Slump include...

  • not being able to keep your eyes open
  • not being phased by 28 ounces of cofee
  • planning hair styles around not washing your hair another day because standing up to dry it is too much

Relief can by gained by napping, ignoring housework and easy dinners. 

A cure is only possible when baseball is over or summer break begins, whichever comes first. 

So hang in there, mommas! Be kind to one another.  We can survive the Spring Slump!

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