Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Last Week of School

Whew! We made it, last week was the last week of school and we all survived.  It was a crazy week.  We had something every night so it was touch and go there for a while.  But we made it.

Monday night was Sam's sports banquet.  He was recognized for Varsity Football, Power Lifting and JV Baseball.  He was also recognized for his 2nd Team All District selection. I use the term recognized loosely.  It's the All Sports Banquet - every kid who played HS sports - recognized means he got his name called and he stood up for 1.5 seconds.  Still, we're proud.

Zac's 8th grade awards ceremony was Friday morning.  He received A/B Honor Roll and an award for highest average in honors history.  He was also recognized for being a 3 sport athlete.
as you might have guessed, I did not take this picture
my excellent friend Shanda took it.
B had awards Friday morning as well. They overlapped with Zac's awards so Sam and his sweet girlfriend attended for me.  B-man received awards for being a good friend (no small feat for a kiddo on the spectrum - suck it theory of the mind!) and being huggable.

look at that face! I also did not take this picture.
my excellent friend Shanda's awesome niece who is also Sam's
girlfriend took it
Friday night was high school graduation.  Our friends' kids were graduation but graduation is always special because I've taught most of those kiddos.  There's always a video of the graduate's baby pictures and a current picture saying what they'll be doing next.  Gets me every time.  And the idea that Sam will graduate in two short years...I can't even go there.

All these things, plus a raging headache, more on that tomorrow,  had me and B...

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