Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Homecoming - part two - Crafting

It's been a while since I've fully involved in Homecoming activities.  Sam didn't go to the dance his freshman year. He went last year but he didn't take a date. This year he has a girlfriend and Zac decided to take a date.  So, I got to make some stuff for homecoming and it was so fun!

First of all, there's this whole thing now of "prom-posals" and homecoming proposals.  People don't just call you up and ask if you want to go to the dance.  You come up with a cute way to ask. For Sam, we ordered this awesome cookies from Custom Pastries by Rosie.  Aren't they the cutest!?!

Of course, I'm not able to do anything normally.  I messed up.  I told Rosie Sam's number is 54.  It had been 54 since he started playing football at age 6.  But in high school, the 54 jersey is too small for him. He's been 58 for 3 seasons now.  #momfail

Zac asked a friend of his to go as friends but I wanted them to have the whole experience.  We made a dum dum bouquet - and by 'we' I mean me.  Zac gave the approval and delivered it.

The another big part of homecoming in Texas are mums.  I had not made a mum since I was in high school.  I was excited to make some mums this year.  I was also more than a little nervous.  Sam's girlfriend is a senior, this would be her last mum. The senior mum is a big deal in Texas.

Thankfully, my sister in law had some expertise in this area and pointed me to 'the mum store'.  It's called The Sale Place.  They have everything you need, including some already constructed mums.  This came in handy for Zac's friend.  I bought a ready made one and added to it.  For Sam's girlfriend, I built it from scratch.  She wanted hydrangea's instead of mums.


I had such a good time creating stuff for the boys and their dates.  I love to make things and give things and make people smile so it was right up my alley! It took some time and several trips to 'the mum store' but this face was worth it!

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