This has been an unusual summer. Not bad at all, just different. The big boys went to Broken Bow with my uncle. I went to Galveston with my girlfriends. Ryan and big boys went white water rafting in Colorado. But we didn't get to do anything all together, including B. Vacations are hard for B. He wants to travel. He wants to go places. The actual getting places is hard for him. Being away from home for several days is not easy.
My momma had the great idea to rent a cabin in Oklahoma. We didn't want to go back to Broken Bow since the boys had been there earlier in the summer. I remembered a commercial from my childhood for Arbuckle Wilderness, a drive through wildlife park. Thanks to the Googles, I started looking in the Arbuckle area. Long story short, we booked a cabin on a ranch close to Davis, Oklahoma.
We went to Turner Falls on Friday. Turner Falls has a 77 foot waterfall and natural swimming areas. It's beautiful. The first area we swam in had diving boards and a slide. But the rocks were slippery and we didn't think to bring water shoes. There was a lot of falling. After an overpriced lunch, we went to the waterfall area. Everyone was dry and not interested in more swimming. Except for B who was trying to meet his goal of catching a fish with his bare hands in a ziploc baggie. The waterfall and surrounding mountains are amazing. There were people on top of the fall and in caves nearby. I'm not very outdoorsy so I can't imagine hiking up there.
Our cabin was smack in the middle of no where and I loved it! We went to a nearby town to get groceries at a local store, not a chain!
All day Saturday we just hung out at the cabin. Ryan and the boys tried to fish but the pond was too low. Momma and I hung out reading, coloring (me) and crocheting (her). It was nice to not have to be some where. We slept late. We played games. We fed the goats and llamas that live in the pasture beside the cabin. We were goofy!
My favorite part, besides the general sitting around and resting, was the fire pit. Both nights Ryan built a fire and we hung out with the boys for a while. We had good talks with the big boys. We made s'mores. The weather was nice, not too hot, a good breeze.
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