Wednesday, January 23, 2019


I'm a doer.  I love to have a project. Every morning I make a to do list and it gives me endless satisfaction to mark things off my to do list. And yes, I do write things down that I've already done so I can mark them off.

The dark side of this project mentality is that I'm not so great at long term changes.  I want to work really hard, achieve something and be done.  As I said to Ryan the other day, "I ate right all day and I worked out. I'm done now, right?"

One of my love languages is words of encouragement. I like it when people know I'm working on something hard so they can encourage me.

Ryan and the boys are also working on some long term goals.  Honestly, I get so wrapped up in what I'm trying to accomplish that I forget to check in on them.  Without anyone to check on us or help hold us accountable we may drop our goals when things get too tough.

What to do? What to do? I really want to stay on track with my goals and the boys are very serious about theirs. I pulled into my teacher brain and remembered the tracking chart!

I got this one at Mardel's for $1.99 and it's good for 2 weeks.  I put it on our laundry room door which is right by the door out of the house.  So everybody sees it and everybody knows what's going on.  What I've learned so far is that some of us are gold star getters and some are not. It's just our first two weeks so we'll keep going and see if it helps.

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